Sunday, February 18, 2018

Bloom'n Pretty

It's that time of year again!  The flowering pear trees are in full bloom and looking gorgeous as usual. I really do love it when these trees bloom like this.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  Seen any buskers lately?


  1. Wow! Everything looks so beautiful.

  2. Yes, I agre, I always love blooming trees, but it is to early here, we still have frost at night.

  3. What a beautiful shot and perfect composition. It helps to have the flowering pear and that red bush in the photo together. I think you're moving into spring faster than we are, although the grasses are greening and color is returned to the land in the form of various flora.

  4. Nice! And what's the red bush, do you know?

  5. Pretty. Our trees will have to wait a couple months.

  6. It is lovely to see spring blooming somewhere, Sharon!

  7. Hi came in from Iris...Gee it look so nice a warm there. If you have time stop in for a cup of coffee

  8. Same thing around here, Sharon. Florida is pretty colorful even during winter, but as spring approaches I have noticed several tree species beginning to flower.
