Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Everything is Just Ducky!

This couple of ducks were sitting by the edge of the reflecting pool at the Scottsdale Civic Center park keeping their eyes on the activity in the water.

And, this pair was in the water and positioning themselves in a ray of sunlight.  It was kind of chilly on Sunday so I'm betting that sun felt good.  The sun certainly felt good to me.


  1. Spending their winter down south makes them much smarter than the ducks that stay here for the winter.

  2. They look a real happy couple together, man and wife :)

  3. Really handsome couples enjoying the sun! Great shots, Sharon!

  4. Cute duckies. Mommy and Daddy. I remember how chilly Phoenix can be in the winter. When in high school, I delivered a morning paper and we used a big iron tub to burn paper and wood to keep warm while we were wrapping the papers. After marriage, we moved back to Phoenix and I remember putting blankets on the hood of my car (in a carport) so the water in the radiator and hoses didn't freeze.

  5. Great photos and colors! That top duck's orange feet are quite brilliant....

  6. They look quite pleased with themselves.

  7. Two cute couples. Nice shots, Sharon !

  8. The ones catching the sun are smart! It is cold but sunny here today so the trick is to stay in the sun!

  9. A lovely couple, very cute together. Excellent shots, Sharon!

  10. Wonder if they're on a ducky double date 😀
