Sunday, January 14, 2018

Celebrating 50 Years

The Phoenix Suns have been celebrating their Fiftieth Season this year with all kinds of events.  My friend Janet took me to one on Friday night to honor the 92-93 season when we came a hairs breath from winning the championship for that year.  They had a sort of "meet-and-great" event at a local hotel.  I took the above shot before the room filled up simply because I like their Fifty emblem and way I caught it reflected in the mirror.

This is the group of players who were at this event for a little question and answer segment.  From left to right, the first guy is the moderator, next is Wesley Person, in red is Richard Dumas, in white is Oliver Miller and on the end is Paul Westphal the coach during that season.  I really enjoyed listening to these guys.  They had a spirited and humorous conversation going.  After this event was over we headed over to the arena for the game.  I'll show you some of the people spotted at that game in another post.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  The Italian Alps play a role.


  1. The guys probably had fun getting together like that!

  2. Your title had me thinking whaaaat! Fifty years of blogging, no way! Should always read further before jumping to conclusions 😀

  3. I don't get it! How could they be so good? They're a bunch of old guys! :)

  4. Sounds like a great time. I remember those guys. Paul Westphal used t be on the Boston Celtics when he was a player, and he was good.
