Monday, January 8, 2018

Arizona Fall Colors

The trees in the Phoenix area are finally turning golden and shedding their leaves.  Scenes like this remind me so much of growing up in Illinois.  The only difference is, it happens about four months later than the midwest.

On an entirely different subject, I went to see the new movie "The Post" last weekend.  I highly recommend it!  Especially if like me, you were around in 1971 when the Pentagon Papers were published.  In addition to the obvious storyline, it subtly shows a glimpse of the gender roles that were normal for that era.  It is almost shocking to see even though I'm someone who was building a career and navigating those norms at the time.  Steven Spielberg is a genius filmmaker.


  1. If fall is 4 months late... how late is spring?
    Thanks for the recommendation about the "The Post". I have watched the adds on TV and was iffy about the movie.

  2. 'Tis a gorgeous photo, Sharon, and I think I shall make an effort to see the movie. Yes, I was around during the Pentagon Papers hullabaloo. I've got a great book about The Washington Post and the woman who was instrumental in guiding it to greatness.

    A lot has changed over the years, much of it for the better. At one time I worked as an insurance investigator and if it was discovered that an applicant for car insurance was gay (at that time we used the word, "queer,") he or she would be declined. And women were seldom seen in managerial roles. Even in the Navy, women were treated as 2nd-class citizens.

    For a lot of people, the "good ol' days," were not so very good.

  3. That's such a pretty fall picture, Sharon.

  4. If fall is coming now you must have a short winter ahead!
    The previews for The Post look great!

  5. I do want to see that movie! I'm not sure it's here yet -- but Dave and I will search it out. Perhaps it will be like "All the President's Men" and motivate a whole new generation of journalists! (Who will hopefully be able to find paying jobs!)

    It's funny that you're only getting fall now.

  6. Gorgeous colours and light in this shot Sharon.. will keep my eyes open for the movie.. meanwhile on a lighter note have you seen Hugh Jackman in The Greatest Showman.. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did, but it was excellent!

  7. Your trees will start to leaf out again in about a month or so, right?

  8. A lovely shot!

    Here some of the deciduous trees do tend to hold onto their leaves through a good part of the winter.

  9. Even you get a fall season even though it's late. Nice colours on those leaves, a very pretty scene.

  10. So, fall is in January in Phoenix? OK.

    The Post is the next movie on the list. Saw Three Billboards, Lady Bird, Darkest Hour and All the Money recently and each was well worth it.
