Thursday, December 7, 2017


This row of saddles with the beautiful blankets on top was part of the decor in one of the sitting rooms of The Wigwam resort that I told you about yesterday.

And look, more gorgeous Native American rugs for me to admire.  This room was situated to one side of the main lobby area.

Another sitting room on the other side of the main lobby featured a brick fireplace and more rugs and southwestern decor.  Doesn't that look like a great place to curl up by the fire?

I've got a couple more photos for tomorrow.


  1. What a really great place and so well decorated! I love the saddles - so different but perfect for the decor scheme here!

  2. I don't know how you managed to get these lovely photos without any people in them. I would want to hang out in those beautiful rooms if I were there. But maybe the private rooms are just as inviting.

  3. This place is wonderful! Those blankets and rugs really are beautiful.

  4. It does look amazing Sharon.. excuse me while I drool over the rugs, I have a 'thing' about beautiful rugs ☺

  5. The whole place looks so inviting!. I can't imagine that you often feel like curling up by a fire down there, Sharon! ;-)

  6. Such an inviting place. Those blankets and rugs are gorgeous, I want one. The room with the fireplace is incredibly inviting. Super photos, Sharon.

  7. Love, love, love the decor. . . all of it. At heart I truly believe that I am a Southwesterner!

  8. Oh, I like this place! Might need to put it on my bucket list.
