Saturday, December 30, 2017

No Sleigh For This Guy

I took a drive way down on the southern tip of Phoenix yesterday to have lunch with my friend David at his office.  He started a new job earlier this year and I hadn't been to his new location yet.  On my way to his office I passed this most unusual holiday decoration.  It's Santa with his sack full of goodies riding on a rocket.  So that's how he gets all the way around the world in one day!


Thérèse said...

The fastest: the sooner to be home at the end of the day...

Andy said...

Nice to see that Santa is staying with something that has a red nose.

Lowell said...

Well, the story I heard was that the reindeer began a protest requesting fewer hours, some blankets for the northern areas, and another day or two to deliver gifts. Santa was a little strapped for cash, so when Trump heard about it - he yelled "Merry Christmas," called up NASA and arranged to Trump to get a rocket. Unfortunately nobody thought about the problem of carrying gifts, so now Santa has to make some re-runs. And in North Korea, people are laughing their heads off at Trump the "Rocket man."

William Kendall said...

He's taking a page from the Evel Knievel school of getting places.

RedPat said...

A modern Santa!

Bill said...

That must have been the upgrade I heard about, sleigh 9 to rocket 10.

Aimz said...

It's very unusual but I like it.

Steve Reed said...

Ha! Well, why shouldn't Santa take advantage of modern technology?!