Thursday, December 21, 2017

Holiday Atmosphere at the Garden

The Desert Botanical Garden does a good job of decorating for the holidays every year.  They almost always fill the fountain at the entrance with poinsettias and they did again this year.

The Christmas tree looks very nice this year with both large and small bulbs adorning it.

Around the corner, they always put up a poinsettia tree and this year was no exception.

And they've decorated every door with really beautiful Christmas wreaths.  Because of the annual event "Las Noches de las Luminarias" the garden gets a lot of traffic during the month of December so, decorating for the holidays is very important.

You can even pick up a Santa Cactus in the garden gift shop.  Now there's a gift idea!


Thérèse said...


Steve Reed said...

HA! Love the Santa cacti! That decorated tree is certainly a nice full one. Did you read about Rome's tree? Apparently it's so pathetic and has dropped so many needles that it's being mocked by the local populace.

RedPat said...

I really like how they decorated the tree with groupings of decorations. I'll have to try that next year!

William Kendall said...

How beautifully decorated. I've seen poinsettas arranged here in tree shape once. I think in an office lobby.

Kate said...

Your wonderful desert botanical garden is marvellous in many respects. I seldom see decorations done so creatively and elaborately here in Minnesota, even at the Arboreteum that I hiked yesterday cannot compare. Perhaps we think that cold weather, ice and snow is enough!

Lowell said...

Tis a wonderful collection of holiday photos! Almost makes me like Christmas again. The key word is "almost." Then I go to the mall. Aargh. The other day in one store they were playing the most godawful Xmas music ever. Some woman just screamed at high volume for 15-20 minutes. It was torture. In fact, I had to leave to gain some sanity! :)

So, these lovely photos have once again posed the possibility that there is more to this holiday than wheeling and dealing and noise. :))

Bill said...

They sure know how to decorate. Beautiful trees and I really love those Santa cacti, they're are creative and make me smile.
Beautiful photos Sharon.

Judy Ryer said...

What beautiful decorations! Nice pictures.

Aimz said...

I just love each of the decorations - they are all unique in their own ways.