Sunday, December 3, 2017

Dinner and Music in the Garden

I was thrilled to get a chance to attend the opening night celebration at the Desert Botanical Garden for the Las Noches de las Luminarias event that runs now through the end of the year.  It was a wonderful evening with really beautiful weather so we could enjoy dinner and music under the stars.  This group called "Traveler" was simply fantastic.  Just look at all those instruments and they played them all.

The group does world fusion music and on one lively number this little girl from the audience popped up to do her own version of an Irish dance.  The faster he played, the faster she danced.  What fun!

Of course, there was plenty to eat including some very tempting desserts.  I confess, we tried them all.

In addition to food and music, the garden was lit in all directions with luminarias and candles.  It's a real treat to see it all lit up this way.  Thanks Julie and Dave for inviting me along for this fun event.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  It's all about the search for chocolate.


  1. Well, I HOPE you tried them all! I love those luminaria. So beautiful!

  2. I can just imagine how much you enjoyed this Sharon, I know that the Botanical garden is one of your favourite places.. add to that music, wine, good food and friends, perfect!

  3. Sharon, you have more fun than the law should allow!

  4. Chocolate shops and now this? Zounds! Nothing like a good band, though. And desserts! It is no wonder you spend so much time at the Botanical gardens!

  5. Beautiful, fun and tasty too! You can't beat that.

  6. How lucky you were to see this event, Sharon!

  7. Sounds like a fun event to attend. Good music and great desserts, a combo that is hard to beat. :)

  8. Looks like a good event with good music, food, luminaria and friends. Can't beat that.
