Sunday, November 26, 2017

I'm Not Camera Shy!

I went for a walk at the Desert Botanical Garden last Friday and I wasn't there five minutes before I saw this lovable roadrunner hiding under a bush.

When he heard my camera shutter click, he looked right at me as if to say "you wanted a photograph?"

"How about if I step out into the sunshine so you can get a better view."  I must say, he was a most cooperative roadrunner.  The fact that we were at the patio cafe where lots of visitors were having lunch had nothing to do with it.  (At least, that's the way I see it.)

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  It's amazing the things you will find driving on country roads.


  1. He has the perfect camouflage coating.

  2. Well captured Sharon! It's the first time I've noticed the little touches of blue around the eye and on the tail!

  3. And the fact you were tossing him scraps of food behind your back had nothing to do with his posing so nicely for you. The old roadrunner cartoons were always my favorite!

  4. Roadrunners are always such a joy for me to see. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Quite a distinctive looking fellow. Wile E. must have been busy filling orders with ACME. :)

  6. Super shots of this super bird. beep beep :)

  7. Judy said one strutted up on our patio the other day and looked in the window at her before sidling off and out of sight. They seem to be rather social.

  8. Great pics, Sharon, I konw roadrunners only from the cartoons...

  9. Hello, Mr. Roadrunner. This is not a bird I come across.
