Friday, October 27, 2017

More Halloween Decorations

Here are a few more Halloween decorations I've spotted in my ramblings around town.

This scary fellow was floating above the lawn of a nearby home.

This set of jolly looking pumpkins were gracing the front steps of a house around the corner from the scary guy pictured above.

This snowman shaped pumpkin lantern was sporting a witches hat and  not one but three big grins.

And this worn out skeleton was for sale in the Desert Botanical Garden gift shop.  He looks like he's given up on the whole holiday thing.


  1. Nice. From the scary to funny.

  2. I just don't do scary stuff at all!

  3. I like the first one best too, but they are all great!

  4. I like the 1st guy best but the smiles are better for the wee kids!

  5. The first one is pretty creepy, but I love the rest of them.

  6. A decoration for everyone. I think they are all unique. The poor skeleton in the last photo looks like he died again. :)

  7. He's given up the ghost -- so to speak!

  8. I like the pumpkins in the 2nd shot. You certainly do have a lot of people in Phoenix who take this Halloween business seriously. Well, not really seriously, but maybe determinedly. Is that even a word?

    Anyway, people who take Halloween seriously would be in church on All Hallows Eve. :) But I don't think that's gonna happen!

  9. Is that top one a "fellow"? Long blond hair, sort of a gown. I'm not nuts about Halloween - don't like being even pretend scared.
