Monday, October 9, 2017

Got Any Bright Ideas?

I found this mural in the Roosevelt Row Arts District in downtown Phoenix,  I couldn't find the artist's name for this one but, clearly this guy has the idea "lightbulb" going off in his head.  I sure hope he has a idea about solving our current political problems.  Wouldn't that be great?


  1. A genie having a light bulb moment, though I can't decide what it is that he's thinking...
    Love the desert sky and background to this scene.

  2. It would be wonderful if he (or anyone for that matter) could solve them, but I am losing hope. This is a nice mural.

  3. It WOULD be great, except that tentacle of "thoughts" looks a little creepy. :)

  4. This is an excellent one, Sharon! If only he had the answer!

  5. The artist took the lightbulb idea thing and expanded it greatly. The problem is our Congress and White House are inhabited by the dimmest bulbs we've ever seen. All they care about is staying in power and forcing their ultra-right beliefs on the rest of the world.

  6. Interesting!
    Those problems are getting more worrisome by the day.

  7. That light might not last long enough to solve all the problems but it is a fantastic mural. Nice find Sharon.

  8. oh that is very clever! I think murals like that should be decorating more areas.

  9. Very colourful. Your comment about the current political issues will take many dedicated people to undo the recent damage to our country. Let's hope some brave souls will appear on the scene!

  10. I like it Sharon, a bit surreal.. just like your political situation unfortunately.
