Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Art Deco Beauty

Walking through the front doors of the new Hilton Garden Inn which is housed in the old Professional Building, I was very impressed by the beauty of the lobby.

I love the huge pillars, the beautiful tile floors and those great round light fixtures.  Even the furniture and desk features maintain a bit of the art deco feel to them.  It's easy for me to picture this area in it's original role as Valley Bank.  This is the quintessential 20th Century bank lobby; impressive to some, intimidating to others.

I was happy to see that the original elevator doors have been maintained and the elegant marble that surrounds them has been polished up beautifully.

Opposite the elevators I found this ornate grate that probably was in front of an old heating/cooling vent.  And the sign with the original name of the building sits there proudly.

It looks like they stayed true to the original design and used the building's wonderful features to their best advantage.

Tomorrow I'll show you some more details from inside the hotel.


  1. Very glamorous with a touch from the past. I am impressed.

  2. How exciting to see all of these details preserved!

  3. That stone is beautiful. They did a great job with the restoration, didn't they?

  4. These are the kinds of bank, post office, theaters, etc., that I grew up with in Minneapolis, Duluth, Los Angeles, etc. Fantastic and nostalgic and oh, those were the days! Gorgeous photos, as usual, Sharon. I would bank there on a bet!

  5. Swoooooning right now! Isn't it just fabulous, how I love this style, so very elegant! You have me eagerly awaiting tomorrow's post Sharon!

  6. Very classy! I can see how it was a big bank in the past. They did a fantastic job in renovating this lovely building.

  7. That's gorgeous. And I had spotted it as a former bank building right away.

  8. It's better than I had imagined! Beautifully restored & decorated!

  9. You have found a very lovely building to showcase.

  10. It has beautiful details. Love art deco.
