Thursday, September 14, 2017

Liberty and Her Surroundings

I've passed by this row of shops several times and have wanted to stop and get a photo of this golden Statue of Liberty.

When I finally stopped one day, a few other things here caught my eye. One of them  was the sections of old picket fencing leaning against the shop wall.  They have a rustic look to them.

The other thing that caught my eye was this horse and man peeking over the parking lot wall.  I wonder if all that razor wire is to keep them from climbing over.  I guess it's more likely that it's there to keep people from climbing over the wall to see what else is back there.


  1. Another interesting place to explore.

  2. I love finding odd things like that around places

  3. What IS back there?! That's very peculiar! It looks like an old architectural antiques shop or something.

  4. Well it would be tempting to peek over and see what else might be behind that wall Sharon 😀

  5. It makes me want to know what is back there too, Sharon!

  6. I think you have piqued the curiosity of your readers, Sharon. What's going on here...what does it all mean? I do like the Statue of Liberty...

  7. Now you have me wondering what else is behind that wall too Sharon! Lady Liberty certainly looks good in gold.

  8. Yes the last picture is intriguing...

  9. I wonder what else is in there, but I wont try to climb over the wall to find out. Interesting finds.

  10. Some interesting finds Sharon. The razor wire makes you wonder what are they protecting. Hmmm

  11. Is there another way to get back there? I am heartily curious about the cowboy and horse peeking over that wall!
