Friday, September 15, 2017


I saw this photo in my files and wondered why I had never posted it.  When I was living in the house on the other side of town I had a fig tree in the back yard along with several other trees.  It was a big back yard!  One year when I was there, it had an abundance of figs to harvest.  If I could get to them before the birds did I could have fresh figs in salads and other dishes.  There are lots of things about that house and the huge yard that I miss but, I'm still happy that I downsized.


Christine said...

Super photo - the fig is ripening to perfection! No wonder you had to fight the birds for them!

Steve Reed said...

Yum! I love fresh figs. I am so looking forward to getting fruit from our fig tree. One of these days, hopefully!

Lois said...

This pretty photo is reminding me of my Dad. We had a fig tree in our backyard when I was growing up and he always used to hurry to get to them before the birds did too! He would use them to make fig preserves and they were so good.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh I can't remember the last time I had a fig and I do love them. It's nice having a big garden but it really is a lot of work, you did the right thing Sharon, I've been tempted many times ☺

RedPat said...

This is a great pic, Sharon!

Thérèse said...

Such a wonderful picture for figs' lovers.

Lowell said...

I've never given a fig for a fig. But to each his/her own. Come to think of it I can't remember when or if I ever ate a fig. I have the same feeling you have about your former place. I loved that house but I'm glad we downsized as it was just too much to worry about!

Where do you suppose that phrase, "I don't give a fig," came from? My dad used to say that once in awhile.

Judy Ryer said...

Nice shot of figs!

William Kendall said...

I've never had figs.

Bill said...

I never had figs either but I love this photo. Excellent shot Sharon!

Aimz said...

Nice shot! I've always thought of figs as an acquired taste, I've tried them but just not my cup of tea.

Kate said...

Lovely--looks like a still life painting to me. How delightful to have a producing fig tree; the fruit is so exquisite! Have you ever made figs stuffed with goat cheese? Num!!