Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Sure Sign

A sure sign that fall is in the air is when you see pumpkins stacked up outside the grocery store.

Since temperatures are still hovering around the 100 degree mark, sometimes we desert dwellers need a sign like this to let us know.

I found this batch of pumpkins and other squash outside my Whole Foods Market this last weekend.

Maybe the site of these beauties will make the air feel cooler.


  1. We don't see many of those knobbly, lumpy bumpy pumpkins and I think they're wonderful!
    A happy sight but wow. 100F, that's still HOT!

  2. We're cooling down slightly, especially at night and that's wonderful. I haven't seen any big pumpkin displays here yet, though. Of course a lot of our stores are still out of water and other items so they're probably not too worried about pumpkins. Stay cool!

  3. I love the orange colour. It goes well with the other fall colours.

  4. I haven't seen any here yet. We are having summer temps here finally after a cool summer.

  5. Beautiful sight because I love fall. It's still very hot and humid here too, but the pumpkins are out and I'm enjoying them!

  6. Well, they certainly LOOK very autumnal, but if they sit out on that sidewalk for long they might begin cooking!

  7. They're starting to show at stores here as well. The temperatures are still rather summer-like though.

  8. The nights are cool here and most of the days too. I can't image 100 degrees at any time, you need to be cool. :)

  9. It's signs like this that keep us sane after a long hot summer Sharon, cooler weather is on the way ☺
