Monday, August 28, 2017

Find Your Direction

I've be wanting to photograph this mural for a long time but never got around to doing it.  It's on the side of a building that used to house "Fast Signs" a printing business.  The sad thing is that parts of this mural have been painted over.  Above the word "Direction" it used to say "Find Your". There also used to be a lot of artistic lines flowing through the mural.  You can see a photo of how it used to look here.  I've always found its underwater and sea creature theme a bit unusual for a desert city like Phoenix.  It makes it stand out.  The artists are Isaac Caruso and Lalo Cota.


  1. It certainly has lost some of it's glamour from it's heyday.

  2. Still a very tantalising and beautiful artwork. The octopus is rather alien though!

  3. It still looks great. Love the vivid colors.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. I'm glad you got this Sharon, it does seem to be slowly disappearing. I wonder why, it's such a super mural and a good message too. Love the whales. It must be so disappointing for the artists when this happens.

  5. You wonder who painted over aspects of it.

  6. It is still really nice but what a shame that it has lost so many good details, Sharon!

  7. It still looks good just not as good as it used to. Just like people, it lost some of its gusto as time goes on.:) Glad you got it before it all disappeared.

  8. Interesting that parts of it were painted out. They must have repainted the building and tried to make as much of that wall newly white as possible! It is a strange mural for Phoenix, as you said.

  9. Hello to you in the desert! We moved from a five year time in Tucson last year and now live in OR. Very cool mural but it is such a shame that it has been tampered with. You are right, that it is such an unusual theme for the desert! Maybe it's designed to make one long for the sea...but that octopus looks so sinister! :-)

  10. It's turning slowly into a palimpsest.
