Thursday, August 31, 2017

Architectural Features Inside

The unique architectural design of the ASU Art Museum wasn't just limited to the outside.  The inside space also had some sleek, modern features like this stairway and textured ceiling and sky light.

As I left the museum, I had to take one more shot that took in some of the interesting patterns mixed with the landscaping full of palm trees and succulents.  If you admire architecture as much as I do, it's well worth a visit.


  1. Very minimalist stairs! I like the way the architect relies on light and shadow to make things interesting.

  2. Quite a climb up the staircase but the roof light pattern ties in well with the wall structure in your second photo.

  3. I would love to visit Sharon.. if only I didn't have to get on a plane to get there :)

  4. You have had some very interesting posts lately. Particularly liked the architectural shots. Keep up the good work. By the way, maybe you should get a job at the Botanic Gardens, you seem to love the place so much (LOL).

  5. Very impressive and outstanding architecture, I like it!

  6. One does not think always of taking pictures of the inside of such buildings, you did.
