Sunday, August 6, 2017

A Recently Added Memorial

Wesley Bolin Plaza is a park area that sits in front of the Arizona State Capitol.  It's named for Arizona's 15th Governor who served from 1977 to 1978.

Recently when I was walking around the area, I spotted a new memorial (2015) that I hadn't seen before.  This archway is dedicated to Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona's 10th Governor who also served as a U. S. Senator from Arizona as well as Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court.

MacFarland was a man of many achievements, not least of which was to secure the interests of the Central Arizona Project protecting Arizona's rights to water in the Colorado River.

It's a beautiful memorial to one of Arizona's accomplished men.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  Stop by and see Arizona's oldest hotel.


  1. I think that water rights in the U.S. are going to get more and more critical in future years. Not at all alike, the memorial still reminds me of Bob Crowe's signature symbol for his blog.

  2. That IS a nice memorial. Is it meant to line up with the mast in the distance, or was that a trick of your photographic eye? :)

  3. Nice to discover history through your eyes.

  4. It's a super memorial Sharon and so well shown here, love your composition in the first shot.

  5. Good pic in that 1st shot, Sharon!

  6. A wonderful memorial, I love the design and your perspective. Very nice Sharon.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. A great memorial, the archway is beautiful !

  9. It is a fine sculpture. It should wear well. Mac had quite a career. The last plaque says that he argued a case before the Supreme Court while he was governor. Now, THIS is impressive.
