Friday, June 16, 2017

Old Friend, New Location

This spectacular painting by Paul Pletka has had a place of honor in a large gallery in the museum for many years.  Recently, the museum put together a special show called "Border Crossings" and brought together many works that represent a cultural conversation between Mexico and the United States.  Paul Pletka's masterpiece entitled "Nuestro Señor el Desollado (Our Lord, the One Who is Flayed)" is the star of the exhibit. The painting is a done in brilliant acrylic paint on canvas and every inch of it masterfully painted.

The painting depicts a mix of Mexican and Spanish Colonial images with pre-Columbian heritage as well as a mix of contemporary Mexican-American culture.

There are so many things to look at in this painting that it's hard to see it all.

For example if you look closely at the priests robe you can actually see the threads in the embroidery.  And, speaking of the embroidery, notice the juxtaposition between the two panels on the robe.  One shows missionaries preaching to the Aztecs in front of a cross, the second scene shows conquistadors stabbing those same Aztecs.

The large crowd of worshiping people are all dressed in a variety of attire ranging from historic and native costumes  to contemporary clothing.

And the artist, Paul Pletka painted himself in the painting as one of the onlookers.  It's one of those paintings you can look at over and over again and always see something new and interesting.  It deserves to be the focal point of this exhibit that makes a friendly handshake with our Mexican friends across the border.


  1. Wow! The details in this painting are amazing & I'm sure if
    I were standing in front of it, I would be there for hours!

  2. That is amazing in so many respects. The details just blow the mind. Thanks for pointing out the juxtaposition of Spanish missionaries and the conquistadors. The ladder is an interesting touch, too, as are the sandals on the feet of the priest!

  3. Breathtaking piece of art Sharon! As you say it's one of those paintings that you would have to go back to again and again the details are so complex! The colours too, so rich and vibrant.. what a talent!

  4. This is just beautiful! It's wonderful that so many people get to see it in this exhibit.

  5. It is wonderful, Sharon! What a talent he is!

  6. Very striking at a glance, and what a talent. Thanks for sharing and greetings!

  7. Such beautiful work by a very talented artist. Lots of detail and vibrant colours. Thanks for sharing, Sharon.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  8. It's absolutely beautiful Sharon. Thanks for showing the details in your closeups.
