Sunday, June 25, 2017

Mountainside Homes

Yesterday I mentioned driving around the mountainous streets of Paradise Valley, today I'll show you a few of the mountain side homes I spotted on my drive.  This one was perched high with no other houses overlooking it.

This one also has a high perch and so far no other homes have been built above it.  It makes me wonder if the land above is preserve land of if it just hasn't been built on yet.

This one has a rather grand looking entrance and gate and I do love that round tower in the background.

This one has a pueblo style to it that I quite like for this desert setting and those trees along the driveway give it just a touch of Tuscan styling.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I have some more adventures in the Andes Mountains.


  1. Gorgeous homes. At least there is no lawn to mow. :)

  2. They're all incroyable homes Sharon, I think my fav is the last one, it just seems to epitomise Arizona architecture.

  3. Makes me wonder who lives in them.

  4. Your photos make me even more impressed with the wonders of our country; such different topography from the recent Alaskan cruise I enjoyed. --Arizona and Alaska at the opposite ends of the spectrum! Back from our Alaska cruise. Missed all of you; come visit!

  5. I particularly like the last one! What a stark environment they are in though, Sharon!

  6. I like that fourth one a lot. It really seems to fit the setting!

  7. These houses are stunning and can withstand the hot and harsh environment. I like the last one too.

  8. Beautiful "stand alone" homes, I think they have no problems with their neighbors.

  9. It's such a different landscape from what I'm used to.
