Saturday, June 10, 2017

Crane Woman, Heron & Turtle

Here are two more sculptures from the Heard Museum sculpture garden.  These two are tricky to photograph with the glass behind them.

I tried it from two different angles.  The sculpture on the left is called Crane Woman and the one on the right is called Heron and Turtle.  You can see the heron is standing on the turtle in the top photo.  Both of these pieces are by John Hoover.

After taking a photo of them from the garden, I went inside the museum to take a shot through the glass and the sun screen.

After I snapped the first shot, these two walked up to admire the sculptures so I snapped them to.  After I took these two shots, I thought they'd probably get deleted but, I kind of like that filtered look.


  1. I like these, Sharon! The filter lets us really see the shapes.

  2. There's something quite fluid & engaging in these two sculptures! Very nicely captured!

  3. I love the one picture taken from inside.

  4. I like them too- especially from inside.

  5. Love the sculptures. And the last shot is my favorite. Serendipity wins again! :)

  6. Those sculptures are absolutely beautiful Sharon. I love the last photo that you took from within. I looked at it for awhile and really thought it was a mural especially with the brick wall behind them. I'm glad you saved it, it's wonderful!

  7. It's interesting that the one on the left (when you're outside) is "Crane Woman," because I see the human face in the one on the right. (And the turtle, too.) They are beautiful sculptures and I like how you considered the photographic challenges and tried a few different solutions!

  8. They are very elegant interpretations of the heron.. tricky subject well captured Sharon.
