Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Art That Make You Wonder

The artist I featured yesterday (Patricia Sannit) received her award for a sustained degree of excellence and commitment.  There were five other artists recognized by the group and awarded grants for their efforts.  One that intrigued me were these pieces by Bryan David Griffith.

According to the information, these three panels were named Discover (top), Convection (middle) and Encompass (bottom).

The description of the art medium used is as follows:  "petroleum smoke accumulated in encaustic beeswax on wood panels."  What??  I have no idea how these were created.  That certainly gave me something to ponder.


  1. Interesting! They remind me of Zen circles.

  2. That last one looks like a bald monk. This is art? I'll be darned. Seriously, I'd be curious to know why these pieces intrigued you. You must be seeing something I"m not. But then I'm old and slow, so ... :)

  3. Hi again, Sharon! Thanks so much for your clarifications. I admire your talent but also your judgment re art and other issues so I was a bit confounded. You're the best! I do hope Mr. Griffith got no award! :)

  4. Not too sure about these. Not for me.

  5. They do look like Zen circles. It would be interesting to hear the artist talk about his art.

  6. Hmmmm, I'm reserving judgment of these pieces...

  7. No comment. Which is a comment, in a way.

  8. These remind me a bit of the outline of the iris of an eye. Very interesting works.
    Sometimes I see art and wonder if I could do better! (Not that that's the case here).

  9. Now you see I really like these Sharon, more so than yesterday's. As Steve above states, they have a zen feel to them, I'm a fan of the circle ☺
