Monday, May 8, 2017

Weather Extremes

So I mentioned yesterday that it got to 108 degrees (42C) on Friday and yesterday it barely made it over 70 (21C).  Talk about weather extremes!  The normal temperature here in the desert southwest for this time of year is about 86 degrees (30C).  Things just seem to be a bit on the strange side weather-wise.  However, the good thing is, the cool temperatures and heavily overcast skies on Sunday made for some perfect picture taking.  I was just ready to press the shutter on this shot of a guayacan bloom when I was photo bombed by the bee who seemed to want to get in on the action.

The lion's tail blooms were standing up tall and proud at the Desert Botanical Garden.

And these lovely artichokes are just about ready to open up and expose their lavender blooms.  I always have mixed emotions when I see the artichokes blooming or ready to bloom.  When they open up, they've missed their time for eating purposes but, I guess they do need to go to seed once in while to encourage new growth.


  1. Weird weather everywhere these days.

  2. 108 degrees! Holy cow! I'm glad things cooled off the photos, as usual!

  3. The bee made a grand entrance just in time, he was flying late. I can't imagine 108 degrees.

  4. Three fab images Sharon. Love the photo bombing bee ☺ and the artichokes look amazing like that just before they bloom, beautiful separation of, would you call them leaves/petals? Gorgeous colour!

  5. Beautiful shots, Sharon! The temps have turned cold here too!

  6. A lucky photo bomb shot of the bee! Lovely to see the different flowers in the desert!
    Have a great week!

  7. What a busy bee!

    We had some light snow here today.

  8. Lovely floral shots! That is very extreme weather. From what the scientists tell us this is what we can expect from global warming. Here it is very dry...we've had pretty much no rain for weeks and the next couple of weeks look to be hot and sunny.

  9. Beautiful flowers Sharon and I love that bee photobomb! It has been unseasonably cool here for the last few days, but I know it's only a matter of time before the heat returns.

  10. The artichokes interested me; I've seen them only on market displays.

  11. What perfect luck.

    A cloudy day is the biggest softbox of them all.

    The artichokes are spectacular.

  12. Weather extremes also here, Sharon.
    Great images !
