Friday, May 26, 2017

"Spec" House

I pass by this house quite often and actually watched it being built.  It went up on lot that used to be part of a very large yard.  Right after it was completed, the "for-sale" sign went up so it looks like it was built on speculation.  Does anyone think it's unusual looking besides me? It just seems so odd to have only the upstairs window facing the front and no others.  I can't see into the back area so I'm hoping there might be a lot of windows back there.


  1. Yes... looks strange to me also. They lack of windows does that. Hiding something?

  2. The windows are probably all on the back. That's a very popular feature of Bauhaus design. No fancy facades... all the good parts are for the people who live there and not for those who pass by. ;-)

  3. ...built for private people, I guess. That blank brick wall could do with a nice window, I think.

  4. It appears a little weird to me. Not my kind of house at all. But to each his/her own. It's funny, but our house has several windows in front yet is still extremely private. You can be standing in front of the house at night and would not be able to determine if anyone was home, even though we have the lights on.

  5. Yeah, that big blank brick wall is strange. Looks like someone's home-grown architecture project!

  6. Yes the windowless brick wall was the first thing I noticed and immediately thought it didn't seem 'right'!

  7. Hmmm! Well that definitely looks like the front door to the left side, it really does look odd without some sort of window, would love to see around the side!

  8. Got to have that window on the brick wall, It looks so weird without it. Maybe we are just accustomed to uniformity.

  9. I agree with Bill. It definitely needs a window on that brick wall above the door.

  10. Yes it's a very odd-looking house. The double front doors have the appearance of church doors.

  11. I'd be so curious to see the inside...maybe it's listed and on-line with a realtor? I'd probably set an appointment to see it...too darn nosy for my own good some days!
