Monday, April 24, 2017

Remains of the Day

I went to the garden yesterday for a morning walk and arrived a little after 6:00 AM thinking the summer hours had started.  They hadn't.  The summer hours don't start until the first of May.  So I hung around until 7:00 and was one of the first to go in.  It was members only from 7:00 to 8:00 so it was quite peaceful.

There had been a big event at the garden the night before and they did an excellent job of cleaning up except for this one wine glass I spotted.  The funny thing was that I was there for nearly two hours and this glass was still in the exact same spot when I left.

I got to see my first night bloom of the season.  Some of the night blooming cactus have already bloomed and I missed them but I caught this one before it started to wilt.

I also admired this pretty cornflower.  It's getting to be that time of year when garden walks are best early in the morning before it gets too hot.


  1. The early bird gets the best photos. Beautiful thing are happening early in the day.

  2. The unfinished glass of wine made me smile, you have to wonder 😀 How exciting to see the night bloom, definitely best to be first in, the light is perfect!

  3. Nice to go before the crowds.

  4. I can understand getting up early to play golf but to go to a garden? Sheesh! You are one dedicated photographer! :))

    Beautiful photos, as usual. It's a shame all that wine went to waste, though. Maybe the wine wasn't any good? Could have been early 2017 never knows.

  5. Did you ever hear the 70's singer Melanie's song "Leftover Wine"?

    Every time we have an event in the library where I work, someone leaves a stray glass of wine behind, usually tucked into a bookshelf. Argh!

  6. Time to celebrate nature before it's too hot.

  7. The early morning light is so soft and pretty as it falls on the flowers! Really lovely photos!

  8. Always good to beat the crowds. The night blooming cactus is beautiful.

  9. I guess any creatures passing in the night wouldn't have cared for the wine.

  10. I remember the night many years ago when my neighbor, a better-than-amateur photographer, invited me over to watch his night blooming Cereus show it's glory.

  11. Your flower shots are so beautiful, Sharon!

  12. The wine glass must have been saluting the bright flowers!

  13. It pays to get there early! Beautiful flowers Sharon. I hope they eventually came and got the wine glass!
