Friday, April 14, 2017

First Up then Down

The next house we visited on the Phoenix Home and Garden tour required us to go up a bit into the McDowell Mountain foothills.

Then once we got there we had to go down a rather steep driveway (you can see the edge of it to the middle right of this photo) to get to the entrance.

After we arrived at the base of the driveway, we went through the arched entrance to a rather splendid courtyard complete with a fountain.  This was another rather large house this one in a Spanish style.

The pool area had some pretty spectacular views over the valley below.  They would have been even more spectacular if it hadn't been such an overcast day.  It looks like you could swim to the edge of this pool and stop to admire the view before returning.  Very nice.


  1. What a place! At least there's no smog. Love those infinity pools but I find them a bit scary! I'm not so good on the deep end of things! Spanish architecture is probably my 2nd favorite kind - my first favorite is the kind you might see back in Quincy.

  2. These are fantastic homes, so palatial! And they come with every luxury!

  3. I like the natural landscape in the first pictures. They have a wonderful view from that home.

  4. Love the pool! So much $$$ in these homes, Sharon!

  5. What a lovely setting for this home with a wonderful view. I really like all those cacti and the entrance is magnificent.

  6. Far beyond our means but it's nice to see what a great designer and resources can do. We get our bit of it when we visit Dave and Julie's condo.

  7. The view from that pool is wonderful! And this house illustrates one of the things about the desert Southwest that led me to Florida instead of Arizona or New Mexico after retiring. I come from New England, where the dominant color is green. I didn't think I could easily adapt to living in a brown landscape. Yes, wonderful to visit, but it just wasn't me for longer term living.
