Friday, April 7, 2017

Around the Neighborhood

A few random shots from around my neighborhood today.  First is a tall palm tree with the sun right behind it.

I thought I might get a bit of a sun flare on this shot but instead I just have a sort of spotlight behind the tree.

A fancy lamp on the wall outside a complex of townhouses.

Along that same wall, a spot where the stucco is coming off and exposing the bricks underneath.  This is such a classic southwestern image that some builders actually build walls with these patches in them.  But, I think this one is just worn away the natural way.


  1. Lens flares are strange. When we think they might appear they don't, and when we DON'T want them, there they are! I like the "spotlight" effect a lot, though.

  2. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

  3. Judy actually took my comment out of my computer! :)) Cool shots!

  4. Lovely photos Sharon. I do like that first one with the palm tree!

  5. Lovely to see all the differences between my neighbourhood & yours! Soaring palm trees & stucco are just not common here! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Nice palm tree shot, Sharon. I keep taking and then deleting similar shots. Yours is much better than mine.

  7. Yes, the last shot looks very artistic.
