Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sunday is Dog Day

This billboard makes me smile every time I see it.  It's a billboard advertising dog friendly home games every Sunday during baseball season.  Something tells me that they don't get their own seats but, it's still fun to think about taking your dog to a baseball game.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  The British Museum is featured, inside and out.


  1. The billboard makes me smile too.

  2. That's hilarious. Love the sign, but cannot imagine a bunch of dogs at a baseball game. Some of the players might be "dogs," but in the stands? What happens at the National Anthem? All the dogs bark in unison? :))

  3. Definitely a winner Sharon, who could possibly resist such a gallery of adorable faces ☺☺

  4. It would be interesting to see how that would go. I don't think my dog would enjoy it but I'm sure it would be great fun for others.

  5. Hi Sharon,

    I forget about Sharon's Sojourns in my daily jaunt around the blogs. Thanks for the heads up, I enjoyed today’s post as well as the Sojourns.


  6. Dogs at a baseball park? That is new. Must not have a full house.

  7. Olga would be climbing on everyone, trying to eat their hot dogs!
