Sunday, February 19, 2017

Stormy Weather

Have you heard about all the rain they are getting in California?  Well a little of it has made it's way over here to the desert.  Not quite as much rain as the coast (yet) but, it was certainly a dull and drippy day yesterday.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  It's Laundry day in Italy.


  1. Nice scene. At least you have it much better than California.

  2. I did hear about the rain in California Sharon, it's a dreadful natural disaster. I think all the rain we had last week was a result of a cyclone up north. There's nothing to be done about Mother nature when she gets upset!

  3. The worrying thing is it will make its way over here. Forgot to mention in your last post about seeing the famous chief that I was stood next to Tim Henman in the local pharmacy the other day, could not believe how short he was.

  4. A rainy day now and then makes a nice change. We will be happy for it when the wild flowers start to bloom.

  5. Yes, the weather in California has made the news here. This is a pretty shot!

  6. Yes, the rain in Spain on the table makes a stain. Doo-Dah, Doo-Dah!

  7. I love that tree, it's awesome!

  8. It's weird everywhere. That landscape doesn't look Arizonan. (Arizonian?)

  9. Wait, I thought California was having a drought?! Clearly I am out of the loop on this one. I'll catch up now...

  10. I thought you were going to challenge Steffe with his tree shots.
