Friday, February 17, 2017

More Art

To wrap up my series from the Celebration of Fine Arts, I have two more art pieces that caught my eye.  Above we have a piece by artist Delmar Pettigrew.  It's an American flag created with flattened soda and beer cans.  What could be more American than that?  Delmar is a painter and sculptor.

I really enjoyed this painting by Pete Tillack called "Bull Market".  I really enjoy looking at Pete's work.  He does gorgeous paintings full of symbolism and expression.  Click his link to get a better looks at some of his works.

You can also click on this link for more about the Celebration of Fine Arts in Scottsdale.


  1. Really great art on show, love the flag of cans

  2. So different from each other but each powerful and creative! I love the Stars and Stripes flag in cans!

  3. Looks like there was something for everyone at that art show.

  4. The second one is definitely a surprise!

  5. Two fantastic pieces of art Sharon, the 'Bull Market' is my favourite pick!

  6. I love the Bull Market. The flag made out of cans is very creative indeed. Two very talented artists. Thanks for sharing this Sharon.

  7. The first one makes me thing of Jasper Johns. The second is an accurate depiction looking south on Broad Street from Wall Street in lower Manhattan with the NYSE on the right. Usually the bulls are just figurative and the cops wouldn't be having any pianos in the street.

  8. Absolutely love the work with the flattened cans forming the American flag. The bulls painting reminds me of Pamplona.
