Sunday, February 5, 2017

Butterflies and Birds

I took a long walk at the Desert Botanical Garden yesterday and found quite a few butterflies out gathering the sweets from the flowers.  The Baja Fairy Duster plant had at least a dozen of them fluttering around it.

This one was kind enough to pose with his wings spread for a while.  He was probably soaking up the warm sunshine.

And this little verdin was calling to me from the tree.  He was flitting from branch to branch and chirping at the top of his lungs.  I think he was trying to get me to take a photo, so I did.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  Any Dr. Who fans out there?


  1. What wonderful photos; so full of life and color. They did my old heart good this morning. Thank you!

  2. The butterfly wings are like mini Aboriginal paintings Sharon, beautiful! The wee bird is a delight!

  3. I love the pose you got from the wee bird! I can hardly wait to see the colorful butterflies back here again!

  4. Beautiful butterfly photos! The little buggers rarely sit still long enough for us. You have a knack.
