Thursday, February 9, 2017

Aloe Blooms

When I was at the Desert Botanical Garden last weekend, I saw a lot of aloe plants showing off their abundance of blooms.  I love how there is such a variety of blooms to see.

The bees were happy to see these blooms too!

The blooms come in colors ranging from red to orange, to yellow.

Some of them are tall and shapely while others are short and squat.

The yellow ones were just beginning to open up.

These on the Mountain Aloe have a sort of shaggy look to them.
As always, there is a lot to see at the garden even when only a few things are blooming.


  1. A visual feast, Sharon! Really enjoyed your photos!

  2. Beautiful! I had a big aloe plant in Florida that bloomed every once in a while with red spiky flowers.

  3. These are wonderful !
    The blooms and the photos !

  4. It's nice to have a pretty place to go for a walk.

  5. Not only pretty but medicinal too! Is it aloe vera Sharon? I really don't understand how some people can still deny climate change, your weather is behaving strangely and you wouldn't believe ours.. it hasn't stopped raining all day, it's bucketing down as I type. I feel so sorry for all the organisers of the Fringe World events, they really weren't expecting this.

  6. Well I feel quite informed. I had no idea the Aloe plant offered such variety.

  7. I don't think I've ever seen one bloom outside of in a greenhouse. They are all so beautiful to see on a cold day like we are having today.

  8. Fantastic blooms and very colourful. Even the bee is busying enjoying and checking out the beauty. Excellent photos, Sharon!

  9. A visual feast and healing products made from such plants have already made me feel better today!
