Monday, January 2, 2017

"Raining" in the New Year

This is how Phoenix started the new year, with rain!  Not a bad thing for a desert city.  I took a short drive to some of the high spots in my neighborhood to get a few 'rainy-day' photos.

There is a spot at the top of my street where I can look over the Biltmore golf course all the way to downtown Phoenix.

The palo verde trees where decorated with little rain drops on all the branches and twigs.

And, the clouds just seemed to hang overhead.

Tomorrow I'll show you who I spotted when I was out for this little drive.


  1. It is wetter than I thought. ⎦˚◡˚⎣

  2. I can just imagine what a relief it must be to all the desert plants and animals to get a long, cool drink!

  3. Looks different from the usual clear blue sky. There are some nice views from up there.

  4. How is it that your rainy day photos look so much more romantic that mine?!!
    Love the rain drops on the trees too!

  5. Great vantage points in those first shots!

  6. It all looks so green & tropical, Sharon! No desert in view!

  7. Yes, it poured with rain here all new years day, but today was SUNSHINE.

  8. we had sunshine on new years day, but it's back to cloudy and drizzle again. El Nino one year late, I guess...

  9. I was going to say, "Lucky you!" Rain in Phoenix is almost always a blessing unless it comes too fast and for too long! Your photos are superb! As usual!

  10. Not standing out in the English rain, not the western slopes of the Olympics, but so much more dramatic for the lack of routine. I've seen the big rain gutters in Phoenix and Tucson but never seen them running. Some day.

  11. A good rain for a better air, it's worth it.

  12. How brilliant Sharon.. I know it's hard for some to understand our excitement at the thought of rain, but oh my, how wonderful is that smell after rain on hot dry soil.. bliss!

  13. Rain and Santa in shorts. Interesting weather you're having.
