Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Theme Day: Out of Focus

I knew this photo would come in handy one day!  I certainly thought about deleting it many times but something made me hang on to it.  I just like the colors and all those people arm in arm.  I took this a few years ago when I was dining on a patio at a restaurant in Scottsdale.  This family group lined up outside the restaurant so someone could take their picture.  I thought it looked great even from the back so I grabbed my camera and took a shot.  Unfortunately, my camera focused on a skinny little plant in the foreground instead of the group.  You know, if I had tried to get it to focus on that plant I never would have been able to.  When I downloaded the photo, I nearly deleted it but there was just something about it that I liked so I kept it.  Maybe I knew that one day the City Daily Photo Bloggers theme would be "Out of Focus".

To see what other out of focus photos were posted by City Daily Photo Bloggers, click here.


  1. Bingo! You had the foresight to keep this colourful photo!

  2. I can see why you kept it! Sometimes my favorite photos are happy accidents.

  3. Looks like you ran into the back end of a family reunion. I've done what you did many times. Occasionally on purpose. Cool theme day shot!

  4. Glad you hung on to it! I always like to take photos from behind the people; often it produces some sweet images.

  5. Yes, it suits the theme very well indeed!

  6. Haha! Nice one Sharon, that's what you call forward thinking, even if you didn't know it 😊

  7. So true. You never know when 'that' image might be the one. And this one is. Well done!

  8. My first impression was that it was people surrounding a campfire and celebrating something or other. I'm also glad you held onto this shot.

  9. You were lucky but it's perfect for the day.

  10. I like it too Sharon. I almost deleted the photo I used for this month's theme too, but held onto it. I'm glad I did!

  11. It is a wonderfully appealing photo, Sharon. All the colors of the clothes, the various postures, the obvious happiness and affection. I'll bet that if you ran it through a few Photoshop effects, it would amaze you.

  12. I'm glad you didn't delete it! It's wonderful. There's something about the togetherness and the color that I really like!
