Saturday, October 29, 2016

New Law School

I was in downtown Phoenix yesterday to take a look at an art exhibit in which I have several photos on display.  It is a show sponsored by Arizona State University and the art works are on display in one of their buildings.  While I was walking to the correct building I discovered a whole new building that I hadn't seen before.  The downtown campus is growing so fast that I can't keep up with it anymore.  This is the Law School for the downtown campus.  I like the look of it.


  1. I look the building and the first thing that comes to mind is a kid's rocking horse.

  2. I like the look of the new Law building too Sharon, very eye-catching! Congrats on having your work on display in the exhibition, hope we can have a peek 😊

  3. It is a handsome, contemporary building and it is huge!!

  4. I doubt that I would recognize the downtown area anymore. That is a huge new building.

  5. That's a fantastic architectural fantasy! Love it.

    Perhaps the incline of the building is to represent the fact that legal beagles need to be careful to interpret the law appropriately, rather than for their own aggrandizement ... to do the latter leads to a "slippery slope" where they will slip and slide along an incline such as this to their bitter end.

    Or, the building could be just the result of the fact that the architect had a breakfast of runny eggs and cold bacon on the day he completed the design.

  6. Oops! I missed the most important part of this post! Congratulations on having your work recognized in such a fine venue. You deserve such recognition for you really are a superb photographer. Will you be showing us what photos are hanging there with your name on them?

  7. Congrats on having your work in the show, Sharon! I hope we get to see some of them! I like the overhang on the building which gives a nice bit of shade for your hot summers!

  8. Cool building. Are we going to see pictures of your pictures?!

  9. That's really big, bigger than St. Louis U's new law school. Arizona must need more lawyers.
