Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Angels in the Clouds

Whenever I see clouds like these that are tinted a rose color by the setting sun, I think of angels floating up among the clouds.  I have no idea why that comes to mind but, I'm guessing it has something to do with a picture or painting I saw when I was a child.  I was standing in a grocery store parking lot when I saw these and I quickly stowed my groceries so I could get the picture.


  1. Yes, they are like clouds you would see on the ceiling of a church in Rome etc!

  2. Beautiful! And a good catch -- light on clouds changes so quickly and is sometimes hard to capture.

  3. Beautiful "colored" clouds and nice title, Sharon !

  4. They do indeed have an almost biblical feel to them Sharon, I'm glad you stopped to take the shots 😊

  5. They are very beautiful, but I don't see angels, I just see super photographs of Mother Nature's handiwork (when she's being nice!)

  6. A little religious and a lot Maxfield Parrish to me, Sharon!
