Thursday, September 8, 2016

Shapely Trees

I found these shapely palm trees in front of a house not far from where I live.  They are certainly arranged beautifully in this yard.

In fact, the whole yard is nicely landscaped!


  1. Its amazing to see these trees from your part of the world!

  2. This is the first time I see such "arched" palms, two nice pictures, Sharon ! (esp. the first one).

  3. Those must be a different kind of palm that I'm used to seeing. It does look nice.

  4. They are so unusual to these northern eyes, Sharon!

  5. They do look appealing Sharon, it always amazes me how the same trees planted together can grow into completely different shapes 😊

  6. Am I allowed to say that I don't like these? They are too groomed and manicured for my taste. I have palms in Florida but I leave mine relatively untrimmed.

    Thanks for your visits while I was away. I have to go away again for a couple of days, so I won't be able to visit Phoenix and you again until Tuesday.
