Sunday, September 18, 2016

Houses with Turrets

I found a neighborhood of new homes, some complete and some still under construction where all the houses had these round turret-like features.

Some of them where all brick like the one in the first picture and some were stucco covered like above.  Every single house here had one of these rounded features.

I must say, it makes for an interesting neighborhood of homes.

It's going to be a gated community although the gates were open when I was there.  Even the gatehouse is a rounded building that almost has a menacing look to it.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm visiting a truly ancient church in London.


  1. The towers are much better than cookie cutter subdivisions that are being built here.

  2. Interesting structures, Sharon !

  3. Maybe that gatehouse is where the HOA puts you if you don't follow the rules. I like those turret rooms.

  4. I've seen turreted new houses in Florida, too. I must admit I am not a fan.

  5. Good heavens what an unusual idea for all the houses to have turrets! I have to agree with you Sharon, the Gatehouse turret looks as if it's scowling at us :)

  6. Very unusual, and that does look like a scowl. The architecture wouldn't be seen here.

  7. Too bad they are on every house. It would be more fun to have a turret on just a few!

  8. Interesting. There is one house with a similar turret in my Naples community and it sat unsold for about three years. At least down there it was not a winning style.
