Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Family Fun

I drive by this office building quite often and I've always admired that sculpture that sits on top of the sign.

It looks like the whole family is out having fun balancing on a log over maybe a stream or a small canyon.  Even the family dog is in on the adventure.

I've never had an occasion to visit any of the offices inside this building but, I finally pulled into the parking lot to get some photos of that cute sculpture.


  1. I found a few odd sculptures on building in the UK as well, sometimes their meaning is lost on me

  2. It's well done and a fun sculpture that would catch your eye!

  3. Such a lovely family shot Sharon! :)

  4. I can see why it catches your eye each time Sharon, it's a delightful sculpture and a very welcome sight in these 'heavy' times 😃😃

  5. Such a good idea to have separated the sculpture from the sign on picture number 2. It is charming.

  6. A very nice sculpture, Sharon.

  7. It's a nice building and a charming sculpture. I wonder what's behind its creation? Perhaps the builder had a family that liked to go camping with their dog. :)

  8. It is so nice that they added that to their sign, Sharon!

  9. I do like the sculpture. It has a nicely whimsical feel to it.

  10. If they keep that up they may need the services of the osteopath or the chiropracter named on the sign and they may hope they've got the family insurance to help them pay for it!

  11. The sculpture humanises a business complex!

  12. I feel certain Olga could never balance on a log.

  13. It is surprisingly friendly and informal for an office complex. I like it.
