Saturday, July 23, 2016

Real or Fake?

Back in March when I went on one of the two private garden tours I enjoyed, one of the yards had a lovely deep red wall around the garden.  As I walked along I admired the cactus so neatly planted along the perimeter.

But this one didn't look quite right.  It turned out to be a sculpture of a prickly pear cactus. With the exception of those multi-colored "blooms", it looks pretty natural to me.  In fact, that would look good at my house.  At least I'd know I couldn't kill this one.


  1. Its a good one and I'd like one too!

  2. It fits right in with the real ones. It's kind of hard to kill a cactus.

  3. Interesting! As Judy said, I would think a cactus would be hard to kill. They pretty much BEG to be ignored, don't they?

  4. The prickly pear I saw coming. The petals look like some kind of cookies. Still, it's nice.

  5. I do prefer the real ones to the sculptural work!

  6. I have a cactus now that looks like it is on its last legs. I think I gave it too much water!

  7. At first I thought it was made of crackers and that the bugs would get it before long.

  8. Looks fab Sharon. I remember years ago when I was having everyone here for Christmas and thought the top garden was too green, not enough colour. So I popped a few very real looking jonquils around .. had everybody foo!ed 😃

  9. I'd like both kinds of cacti, each serves a different purpose.
