Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Contemplating the Stormy Skies

Yesterday I mentioned that we had some rain last week.  I took this photo a little earlier in the evening that same night when I went out to collect my mail.  I noticed this bird sitting on the wall and watching the sky.  I went down and got my mail, came back up and he was still there.  He was taking in the whole scene.  We got quite a bit of rain that night and were supposed to get more the next night but that never materialized.  We've had a sort of blah monsoon season so far this year.


  1. I think we have had lots more rain than in the valley, so far. There is still time though.

  2. Not a bad spot to contemplate Sharon 😃

  3. I think the birds have a natural intuition about the weather! Great shot!

  4. What a great shot! Kudos! We'll always have weather but not often do we catch something like this watching the weather!

  5. What a view for the bird, and what a brooding sky!

  6. I wonder what he is thinking? Our rainfall totals are way below normal here!

  7. I suppose that's a pigeon but from your angle he kinda looks like a duck. Which could give special meaning to the photo.

  8. What an interesting sky. . .so many shades. The bird looks like a lone sentinel, watching the sky.
