Monday, June 20, 2016

Water Feature

There was one feature at the Scottsdale Quarter that I didn't tell you about in yesterday's post.  It's this splashy fountain area.

It was very popular with mothers and very young children.  I actually sat down and watched the sheer joy on those tiny tots faces as they ran through the streams of water.

I watched this young man fill up his bucket and then take it over to where his mother was sitting.  There was another child who would sit in the circle of the water spouts when they were low to the ground and then wait for them to shoot up in the air all around him until he was almost hidden by the wall of water.  I had fun just watching it all.


  1. On a hot summers day it must be fun to be soaked running in & out of the fountains!

  2. Perfect solution when the temperature is rising.

  3. An atypical but terrific "playground" to delight both young and old. Beautifully designed too.

  4. I've seen these fountains in different places in Europe. Great fun for the kiddos on hot days. Beautiful photos, as usual!

  5. Such a good feature in hot weather areas Sharon, kinda makes you wish you were a kid again hey :)

  6. Nicely presented, Sharon. I love this kind of water feature in shopping centers. There is a smaller version of this in Naples' Village on Venetian Bay and a bigger one in Columbus' Easton.

  7. I wish they had those when I was a kid!

  8. The cars must be a mess by the time they get home! But I'm ready to go for a stroll.

  9. The best area, not only for kids :)
