Saturday, June 4, 2016

Things are Heating Up

And I'm not talking about the election.  They are predicting temperatures around 114 degrees today.  That's 46 C for you celsius people.  Standing in front of a wall like this with the sun shining directly on it can feel like you are in an oven.  They tell us it will cool off a bit after next week.  Fingers crossed.  It's too early to be this hot.


  1. Good luck in surviving such high temperatures.

  2. I feel the heat radiating off that wall. Stay safe with lots of water and sunscreen!

  3. I've been reading about your temps. That's unusual, isn't it. When we lived there, it seldom got above 110 even on the worst days. I remember people saying, "Yeah, but it's a dry heat." I would just laugh and tell them to stick their head into an oven for 24 hours at 115-120 degrees!

    It's blistering here, too. No breeze. In the 90s. Hopefully we'll get back to our usual rain showers in the afternoon which cools things off for the evening and the next morning.

    Stay in the A/C or take photos in from your car. :)

  4. Wayyyy too hot! I love your photo though but don't stay out there too long!

  5. I really can't imagine heat like that! Stay safe, Sharon!

  6. Yup, temp is topping 100 up here in the central highlands today.

  7. It looks post-apocalyptic. I don't think I could handle living in PHX.

  8. Wow! That would be hard to take.
