Wednesday, June 29, 2016

More Urban Explorations

The homes I'm featuring today are from the same area of Paradise Valley that I explored in yesterday's post.  The one above is certainly palatial with stunning landscaping and those striking striped awnings.

This colonial style house looks a little out of place in a desert environment to me.  It looks like it would be better suited to some place on the east coast.

This one has a rather dramatic entrance with that fabulous glass door surrounded by arches.

I love it when I stumble on to areas that are completely new to me.  I'll have to do some more exploring during these hot summer months when I can explore from the comfort of my car.


  1. I enjoy your "finds" as well. These houses are really grand and have such nice gardens too.

  2. Well those houses are not cheep by a longway

  3. You always have such amazing weather. :)

  4. This is fun seeing these places, Sharon! I often wonder what people think when they see one of us pull over and take a pic of their house. ;-)

  5. I'd happily live in any one of them! Gorgeous homes. What about the a/c bills in the summer?

  6. What a beautiful place on the planet you are living in!

  7. Sigh! So gorgeous and I am just a wee bit envious.

  8. That first one is pretty terrific. The flowers really pull it together.
