Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Abstract Mural

This new mural has recently been discovered on the side of a newly remodeled apartment complex. It's only visible from the alley that runs beside the building and the alley is so narrow that I had to take the photo at a bit of an angle.  I like the abstract look but I have to admit, others have told me they hate it.  I guess it's a good thing it's only visible from the alley.


  1. At least it's colorful -- better than a blank beige wall!

  2. Yup. Some of the murals are a real challenge to photograph. :)

  3. I like the colour and the lines and curves of the mural.

  4. Pleasant to look at, even if I don't understand what it is.

  5. Its bright and colourful which I like.

  6. Hopefully it keeps the taggers away.

  7. I don't really understand the attraction of such murals. I guess they serve a purpose but I'd just as soon look at the plain wall as at this confusion of lines and colors. :)

  8. Just from the photo, I quite like the energy and Arizona palette. If the alley is that tight, though, a viewer might not appreciate it from the middle.

  9. I don't love it but I also don't hate it. If there must be a mural there, this one is acceptably pleasant.
