Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Hey Y'All

When I took that Phoenix Home & Garden tour a few weeks ago, I took a lot of photos at each house.  Some of those photos were just little details that caught my eye.  I thought I'd do a post of some of those details.  Above is a cute pillow that was on a patio chair.

A beautiful ceramic jug graced an opening in the wall that enclosed an outdoor dining area.

A colorful little birdhouse hung from a backyard tree.

Here a peaceful looking Buddha had a calming effect in a small garden area.

I love little details like this.


  1. It's those little details that make all the difference Sharon. Love the sweet birdhouse and that budha would look good in my garden :)

  2. Sharon you have an eye for detail.

  3. I was going to write exactly what Grace wrote. These are all very nice, but it's the Buddha that I like the most. Maybe I should get one of those for our yard...

  4. Oh, I love these "details", Sharon !

  5. The ceramic jug is my favourite of these, Sharon.

  6. As Andy said, you have a good eye for details, Sharon. And I love that Buddha, too.

  7. I like the pillow and the birdhouse!

  8. Love all the different "objets d'art"!

  9. Love the birdhouse and that pillow looks like something you would see in my neck of the woods!

  10. It's interesting to see how people's tasted vary. I'm ok with the Buddha.

  11. Looks like a good place to be.

    I bought a birdhouse for our garden a few weeks back.... so I guess the birdhouse was what I noticed first.

  12. LOVE that Buddha and birdhouse!
