Sunday, April 17, 2016

Upscale Living

I wonder if a feathered family has moved into this beautifully decorated bird house.  It certainly would be a step up from tree limbs or cactus thorns.  I love finding these cute little bird houses around town but I always wonder if they ever get used.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm visiting one of the most famous cemeteries in the world.


  1. The birdhouse is a beautiful colourful standout.

  2. I'm not sure what attracts birds to bird houses, but if they had any human tendencies, I think this one would do it! Very nice and one of the nice things about it, is that it brightens up the locale in which it is found.

  3. Beautifully decorated. I saw a couple of birdhouses in a city park yesterday... I wonder if they'll get residents.

  4. It's such a nice one - I hope they use it, Sharon!

  5. How adorable! I would be tempted to keep this one inside the house just to admire it.

  6. You would have to play archeologist and look inside. Live in a Phoenix home with no AC?

  7. The birds are saying, "No, thanks, too precious for me."

  8. This is a cute bird house !

  9. Really to use, must just admire.
