Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Last House on the Garden Tour

It had started to rain again by the time we made it to the last house on the Phoenix Home & Garden tour a few weeks ago.  The last house turned out to be a very livable space, much smaller than the enormous houses we had just visited.

The yard was neatly trimmed with lots of potted plants to surround the pool area.

The pool was much smaller too.  It was more like a backyard pool rather than a resort pool.

My favorite spot in the yard was this cozy little place around the fireplace.  It's very colorful and looks like a comfortable place to entertain guests.


  1. Looks colourful and very very nice.

    The cactuses (OUTSIDE) impresses me.

    Happy weekend!

  2. I think that I could be very happy living here in this "small" house. What a tour you experienced and shared with us!!

  3. Now that is definitely more of a family friendly fun home & garden! Still very well maintained!

  4. It's not nearly as ostentatious as the previous homes, and I think I like it better ... it still is gorgeous by any measure!

  5. I like this one a lot, Sharon!

  6. I love this garden area much more than the others, especially for the use of such brilliant colors.

  7. Looks so pretty Sharon, love the last shot also, nice spot to relax. These days I'm thinking much more along the lines of a smaller garden :)

  8. It looks like a comfy place, but I might like some of the other ones better.
