Sunday, April 3, 2016

Going Inside

Remember this building, the Biltmore Commerce Center?  I've featured it before here and here.  I took the above photo in early February when the trees along the street were bare and the early setting of the sun left a pink glow on the building.  A week or so ago, I decided I should go inside and take some photos so I did.

The first thing that caught my eye was the zero-edged reflecting pool in the center of the lobby, directly under a huge skylight.  I took several photos but, all that reflection and light makes it difficult to make out the features of the lobby.  At the other end of the lobby is a tall sheet of glass with water cascading down it.  It looks very bright in this photo.

Here is a close look at the glass wall feature.

Standing in front of the glass water feature and looking back in the other direction gives you a clearer view of the building's lobby.  In the center where those two stands hold the velvet rope are standing is where the reflecting pool begins and stretches down about 12 feet.  It is certainly a very dramatic lobby for the people using this building to enjoy.  There are a real mix of tenants here too.  There are medical groups, real estate firms, investment companies and even the United Way has an office in here.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  It's all about a mythical cat.


  1. I like the effect of the water sheeting down that glass, especially with those colored lights -- nice shot!

  2. The lobby certainly does look large enough to accommodate all those diverse groups you mentioned.

  3. Stunning lobby Sharon.. these days it's almost as if architects are striving to outdo each other in innovative design and style :)

  4. I'm surprised I really like it! The floor in particular!

  5. That's a case when architecture becomes art. Beautiful!

  6. I wonder how many people walk into that water feature by mistake, Sharon!

  7. So many beautiful images of an amazing place!

  8. That exterior shot with the golden glow is pretty fabulous. The inside? Take it or leave it.
