Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Kids in Focus

On Friday evening I attended an exhibit of photos all taken by kids between 11 and 14 years old.  The show was the culmination of a series of creative sessions with children who have a background of some type of trauma such as poverty, homelessness, neglect and/or abuse.  The children are given a digital camera and then they work with professional photographers who volunteer their time to teach the children how to see the world in a whole new light.

I have to say I was very impressed.  These two photos were by a young man named Angel.  The top one was taken at floor level inside the lobby of an office building.

The second photo is a shadow centered on the new zen garden at the Desert Botanical Garden.

Excellent work!

This young lady is Angeline.  I wanted to ask her how she got that curled up flag photo but she was so busy talking to guests and signing her name in the book version of the show that I missed my chance.

Very creative work.

There was a pretty good sized crowd of people at the event.  A much bigger turnout than I had expected.  What a great program that teaches creativity and gives so much positive reenforcement.


  1. Wow! It looks like a great program and, as you said, some terrific photographic work!

  2. The photography club I belonged to in Texas had a project similar to this but my care-giving activities for my mother kept me in a remote status. I think these young eyes see things in a different perspective, one that is not tarnished by preconceived ideas or competitiveness, and as a result you often get some remarkable results.

  3. This is truly a super program. Photography has a way of healing the soul and giving hope for the future. To get these kids involved is a work of humanity and I also am very taken with the quality of their work!

  4. A very nice thing and an interesting event!

  5. It's always a good and positive thing to get young people interested in artistic endeavours.. and it's amazing how much talent is there when encouraged. I would love to have seen this Sharon.

  6. Their work looks fabulous, Sharon!

  7. Way to go kids, this is brilliant and I hope it helps them!

  8. How wonderful for these kids! They certainly did a good job.

  9. I have been to some art exhibits by teens that blow one's mind. Well, at least mine.

  10. What a confidence-booster for these kids!

  11. A great way to honour talent in kids. So glad you went to the exhibit to support their efforts.
